
As a mission-driven start-up, Tracemark is here to:

Eliminate human rights abuses and unsustainable practices from the jewelry supply chain, by making traceable jewelry a reality.

Foster collaboration by building and strengthening not only the connections within the jewelry industry, but the alliance between the jewelry industry and the world around us.

Put today’s empowered, informed and conscious consumer at the heart of this monumental change.

⇨ Explore the core values which guide us

⇨ Explore our UN-aligned sustainable development goals

⇨ Explore the world-leading standards we trace in every piece

⇨ Explore the responsibly sourced materials we trace

Core value: humanity

Tracemark stands for human beings, everywhere. People in the jewelry supply chain. People living in mining communities. Today’s conscious jewelry consumer eager to make a difference with their purchase decisions.

Tracemark adopts traceability standards which ensure that in the supply chain of every single Tracemarked piece:

  • Human rights are upheld
  • Children and child labor are excluded from production
  • The principles of fair pay and equal pay are respected
  • The sourcing of raw materials does not openly or inadvertently fund conflict
  • Efforts are made to develop involved communities
Core value: sustainability and sustainable development

Tracemark operates under the principles of sustainable development. Every positive action generated by Tracemark should have both a short-term and long-term impact, making sure that each contributes to a better planet and society today and tomorrow.

Below, you can explore the specific sustainable development goals that Tracemark is aligned with, selecting traceable standards and traceable materials that work towards their completion.

Core value: collaboration

Fostering collaboration within diamond and jewelry industry is one of Tracemark’s core purposes.

Following calls by the United Nations, Human Rights Watch and other international organizations, Tracemark exists as a traceability platform which gives any committed party involved in the jewelry supply chain a place within its ecosystem of partners.

Through our network of partners, authentically traceable and responsible jewelry can be produced with ease and confidence and its true value for brands, consumers and the planet can be unlocked.

Sustainable development goal: decent work and economic growth

By tracing materials from various origins whether responsibly mined or recycled, Tracemark contributes to the sustainable economic development of communities and industries in both developing and developed countries.

Mining, when subject to rigorous responsibility standards, contributes enormously to the development of sustainable economic activity in underdeveloped parts of the world.

Sustainable development goals: climate action, clean drinking water, life below water and life on land

The materials that Tracemark traces and certifies represent a significant reduction in the release of contaminants into water such as mercury from gold mining, their lifetime carbon footprint and their impact on the immediate area around mining operations.

Sustainable development goal: innovation and infrastructure

Tracemark is fast becoming a key part of the digital infrastructure needed to achieve sustainable development worldwide, tracing established standards between jurisdictions and allowing for continuous control of the supply chain.

Tracemark represents a quantum leap in transparency, responsibility and innovation in the jewelry industry.

Sustainable development goal: responsible consumption and production

By providing traceability information to jewelry consumers, Tracemark aligns purchase decisions to a positive impact in the world around us, allowing consumers to effectively differentiate responsibly sourced, ethical and sustainable products and contribute through economic activity.

Tracemark traces jewelry throughout production to ensure all manufacturing partners subscribe to the world’s leading responsibility standards.

Traceable standard: Responsible Jewellery Council Code of Practices

The Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of Practices is a world-leading standard for the jewelry industry and supply chain, certifying compliance with standards across business ethics, human rights, labor rights and working conditions, and social and environmental considerations.

All Tracemark Members (manufacturing partners) must have active RJC membership, meaning that they comply with the Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of Practices, or are in the compliance process.

Traceable standard: Kimberley Process

The Kimberley Process was established in 2003 as a multilateral trade regime to prevent the import and export of diamonds whose sale funds destabilization conflicts worldwide. Adherents to the Kimberley Process are required to establish national legislation, import/export controls, exchange critical data and certify all diamond shipments are conflict-free.

It is estimated that the Kimberley Process has been responsible for stemming 99.8% of the global production of conflict diamonds.

Every mined diamond in a Tracemarked jewel must have a corresponding Kimberley Process certificate.

Traceable standard: Compliance Undertaking and Know Your Counterparty

Tracemark’s own Compliance Undertaking and Know Your Counterparty processes allow brands to assess and troubleshoot their global control over their supply chain, ensuring that marketers of Tracemarked products do not inadvertently fund human rights abuses, conflict or terrorist activity, having transparent and regular relations with their partners and counterparties.

Compliance Undertaking and Know Your Counterparty are compulsory for any brand wishing to sell Tracemarked jewelry. Once this condition is satisfied, they will become Certified Brands under Tracemark’s nomenclature.

Traceable material: CoC Recycled Gold

Recycled gold with RJC’s CoC certification is documented as being from a guaranteed recycled origin, securely transferred between parties in the supply chain, and kept separate from generic gold inside production facilities ensuring it is from a known origin.

Furthermore, under the CoC standard, documentation accompanying the gold is maintained at each stage of the supply chain, allowing for its traceability.

Recycled gold is usually sourced from disused electronic devices and unwanted jewelry products, and is re-smelted to form a circular economy, reducing its carbon footprint by up to 99%, according to recent studies by the University of Pforzheim.

Traceable material: CoC Recycled Silver

Recycled silver with RJC’s CoC certification is documented as being from guaranteed recycled origin, securely transferred between parties in the supply chain, and kept separate from generic silver inside production facilities ensuring it is from a known origin.

Furthermore, under the CoC standard, documentation accompanying the silver is maintained at each stage of the supply chain, allowing for its traceability.

Traceable material: Traceable Natural Diamonds

Traceable natural diamonds are mined, cut and traded with all documentation intact from beginning to end, and come from mining companies with developed social and environmental responsibility standards and certified against conflict.

In all Tracemarked jewelry with traceable natural diamonds, information regarding the mining company and location of origin is collected and displayed to the end consumer.